Learning to Paint – New Blog
I’m taking the plunge. I want to learn to paint! Spinning, Knitting, Weaving and Dyeing… even Sewing, Quilting and all kinds of designing are the things I just do, like falling off a log, I can do them in my sleep (almost). Been doing them all my life. But Painting! Now that is something I have never done before – ever – and let me tell you, it’s a lot more difficult than it looks. But I am going to do it and I’m keeping track of every step of the journey in this blog Art Apprentice Blog. I am more than slightly overwhelmed and intimidated by it all. When I…
Breed Specific and Rare Breed Wools
My new passion! Breed Specific and Rare Wool Breeds. I have always been totally in love with wool – my number 1 favorite fiber without rival. This love of wool has risen to a whole new level of passion with my virtually “meeting” of Deborah Robson and becoming aquainted with her work with Breed Specific Wool and Rare Breeds of Sheep. It all started with a free class on Craftsy Know Your Wool. Highly recommended for anyone with an interest in wool. This sparked some research on the subject of Breed Specific Wools for spinning and knitting and expecially the Rare Wool Breeds. I found a few resources over at…
Finding and hiring a technical editor for self published knitting patterns
Before I start today, let me say that if you are interested in pattern writing you really need to click on over to right now and sign up for 2 classes on writting patterns that are Amazing! The one I’m going to refer to in this post is How to Say It: Pattern Writing for Knitters by Edie Eckman Description Learn the keys to communicating your one-of-a-kind knit designs in How to Say It: Pattern Writing for Knitters. Author, teacher and technical editor Edie Eckman presents an insider’s guide to clearly communicating knitting patterns to editors, publishers and fellow knitters. It was in this class that I learned that,…
New Craftsy Course a Godsend
Just in the nick of time. I can’t believe I just got this email and Craftsy is now offering a fantastic course on grading for pattern writting. It’s precisely what I need as it’s the complicated math and keeping track of the miriad of calculations that is boggling my mind as I work out these patterns. I absolutely love it. Sizing Knitwear Patterns
Photography and 2 Patterns Finished
Yipee, 2 knitting patterns all ready to go. After an insane amount of spinning, knitting, math, photography and computer time I’ve got 2 patterns finished and I’ve aquired a whole new respect for those self published “Indie” pattern desginers out there. WOW. One of the most fun parts, after the spinning and knitting, is the photography. Today I studied my “shoot it” course on Craftsy then I dressed up my dolls and did a shoot for the new Alpaca Baby Pattern and Kit.