Finding and hiring a technical editor for self published knitting patterns
Before I start today, let me say that if you are interested in pattern writing you really need to click on over to Craftsy.com right now and sign up for 2 classes on writting patterns that are Amazing!
The one I’m going to refer to in this post is How to Say It: Pattern Writing for Knitters by Edie Eckman
Description Learn the keys to communicating your one-of-a-kind knit designs in How to Say It: Pattern Writing for Knitters. Author, teacher and technical editor Edie Eckman presents an insider’s guide to clearly communicating knitting patterns to editors, publishers and fellow knitters.
It was in this class that I learned that, as a professional designer I am going to need a technical editor. A technical editor is someone that you should never be without when considering publishing a pattern for sale. No matters how many times you check for errors yourself there will be more that sneak in unexpectedly. Your tech editor is there to pick them up before the pattern goes out to the public.
My search began right inside the craftsy class platform as the instructor and a few of my fellow students are offering their services as tech editors.
Next I did a google search for “technical editor knitting” and got some good hits but one in particular stood out as I’ve seen this group referred to as a good place to find more info on the subject of technical editing for knitting. YarnTechs · Knit and Crochet Technical Editors
Here is what they say they’re about “We are technical editors that review and/or revise knit and crochet patterns to ensure they are clear, consistent, complete, concise, and correct. Some of us also draw technical illustrations for knit and crochet patterns, such as schematics and charts. This group allows us to discuss the challenges we face, the tools we use, and opportunities in the industry. If you are a tech editor, please consider joining this group! If you need the services of a tech editor, email a “help wanted” ad to the group owner at YarnTechs-owner@yahoogroups.com, and your message will be posted to the group on your behalf.”
My Next Site to search was Ravelry. Usually the best place to find anything knitting is Ravelry.They have at least 2 groups that will probably prove useful in my pursuit of a technical editor for my own patterns. I spent a great deal of time inside these groups and will likey spend a lot more in the future. I found them very helpful.
Budding designers
Indy Pattern Designers Resources
There are probably more but these are the ones I’ve found so far.
After doing the research, reading these groups etc I have sent off a few emails. I’ll ask some questions, get some references and dive in with a test pattern and follow up with what I discover.
I’ll let you know how it plays out.