Learning to Paint – New Blog
I’m taking the plunge. I want to learn to paint!
Spinning, Knitting, Weaving and Dyeing… even Sewing, Quilting and all kinds of designing are the things I just do, like falling off a log, I can do them in my sleep (almost). Been doing them all my life.
But Painting! Now that is something I have never done before – ever – and let me tell you, it’s a lot more difficult than it looks. But I am going to do it and I’m keeping track of every step of the journey in this blog Art Apprentice Blog.
I am more than slightly overwhelmed and intimidated by it all. When I first signed on to Art Apprentice Online, a few years ago, I bailed. When I got overwhelmed I pushed the pause button … but now I am “back in the saddle” giving these painting classes another try. I’m determined to ask questions and not to give up without some struggle.
I lack the “life of painting” experience that many of my fellow students probably have behind them. This is a retirement project for me. I also have the bar set pretty darn high. My Mom was a decorative artist extraordinaire. She has recently passed away and, while I will never be able to do what she did, I will do what I can do and maybe keep a little part of her with me.
I’ve signed myself up for too many classes and I don’t know where to start so I’ve decided to keep track of my progress in a blog if only to help myself to remember where I am at and see that I am actually progressing.
Do I dare to date this? ok… It’s Sunday January 26 2014. Let the games begin!