Knitting Christmas Gifts,  Knitting Projects

Knitting Socks and Ideas for Christmas

All thought of building a web site and products for sale are slipping into the background as I contemplate what I’m going to knit for my family for Christmas.

The socks are always a big hit and I will certainly be doing them this year but what else. Everyone has a couple of scarves, mitts or gloves and the kids all have hats scarves and mitts but I’m sure anyone could use more. I will perhaps do the big cowl for the ladies. I saw a couple on Ravelry. This is the free Burberry Inspired Cowl that I thought would be nice in Cashmere or in Merino and Silk bulky.

I also thought about bags. Felted bags but I don’t think I have time to make them now. Why do I always wait until October to do this?

I did spin some Merino and Nylon from Knit Picks last week. I put it into a glass dish and sprinkled 2 colours of gaywool dye on to the soaked skeins. I covered with a glass lid and baked at 325 – 350 for about 1 hour. the water was pretty clear and I didn’t get much bleeding into the rinse at all. the effect was pretty and I will definitely try this again and refine. I knit them into a pair of men’s socks but it took 150 grams instead of the usual 100 that I need of the commercially spun yarns. I think my yarns must be more compact.


    • NancyElizabeth

      Thanks so much Elicia, I was just playing around with some spinning and dyeing with these. I don’t think I could duplicate it if I tried LOL.
      I don’t have a sock pattern but just a formula that’s been in my memory for ages for a simple basic sock. Im sure there are tons of similar patterns out there. Do you go to it is the best!!!

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